Why does My Australian Shepherd Sit on Me?

Australian shepherd Sitting on their Humans

If you’re an Aussie owner, you’ve probably had your dog plop themselves right on top of you.

While it might seem like an odd behavior, there are actually several reasons why Australian shepherds love to sit on their humans.

First, let’s talk about the breed itself. Australian shepherds were bred to work closely with their owners while moving livestock across large ranches and farms.

This means Aussies have an incredibly strong bond with their people – they live to be by your side.

That desire to always be close fed into the sitting behavior. When an Aussie sits on you, they are satisfying that innate need to maintain contact and proximity.

It’s their way of saying “you’re my human and I want to be right here with you.”
So from the get-go, be prepared for your Aussie to view you as their permanent snuggle buddy.


Gaining Reassurance and Comfort

Because Australian shepherds are so people-oriented, they can develop separation anxiety and general clinginess.

One of the best ways for them to ease their anxiety is to constantly reassure themselves that you, their beloved human, are right there with them.

By sitting on your lap or chest, your Aussie gets to breathe in your comforting scent while feeling the warmth and gentle rise and fall of your body.

This physical connection and proximity keeps them feeling calm, secure, and reassured that you aren’t going anywhere without them.


Establishing Physical Boundaries

While your Aussie’s sitting behavior is born out of a desire to be close, it can also involve marking their territory – and by territory, we mean you.

Dogs use their sense of smell to determine what belongs to them versus what’s up for grabs.

So if your Aussie gets a whiff of another animal’s scent on you, whether from petting someone else’s dog or just brushing up against furniture an animal has been on, they may sit on you to re-establish their “scent boundaries.”


Seeking Warmth and Comfort

Let’s be real – dogs make the absolute best little heated snuggle buddies.

And while all breeds enjoy cuddling up to a warm human, the thick double-coat on Australian shepherds gives them another reason to actively seek out our body heat.

You see, under all that gorgeous Aussie fluff lies a fine undercoat of soft down fur. This undercoat does an amazing job at insulating and keeping your pup warm, but it can also cause them to overheat more easily when inside a heated home.

So if you notice your Aussie frequently sitting on you, sprawling out across your legs, or pushing their warm body into your side, there’s a good chance they’re just trying to air out that undercoat and use you as a cooling device!

Who can blame them – you’re like their own personal air conditioning unit.

By making body contact with you, the heat and moisture from your skin and breath helps prevent overheating and keeps your Aussie comfortable indoors.

Just be a good host and try not to sweat too much.



At the end of the day, the biggest reason Australian shepherds sit on their owners is because of an innate, overwhelming need for companionship.

This breed lives and breathes for the chance to be by your side at all times.
When your Aussie plops down on top of you, they are loudly and proudly telling you they want you.

It’s an emphatic statement of devotion and desire to share your personal space as much as possible.

From tucking themselves under your arm on the couch to flattening you into your office chair for hours on end, your Aussie sitting on you is their way of turning every activity into a bonding session and reaffirming your status as their beloved companion.

So while it may mean sacrificing a bit of breathing room or chilly toes from their furry warmth, just remember – the sitting behavior is one of the biggest gifts an Aussie can give.

It’s their way of nurturing the unique inter-species friendship you’ve developed and creating that bond.

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