How does vision work?
Vision in all animals depends on the retina, a layer at the back of the eye containing photoreceptor cells.
These cells are of two types: rods and cones. Rods are more sensitive to light and are important for night vision, while cones detect color and function best in bright light.
Humans have three types of cones, enabling us to see a wide range of colors.
This trichromatic vision allows us to distinguish between reds, greens, and blues and perceive the many combinations of these colors.
Can Cats see Colors?
Cats, like humans, have both rods and cones in their retinas, but the proportions and types of these cells are different.
Cats have fewer cones, which means their ability to see color is not as developed as ours.
Especially, cats have two types of cones, giving them dichromatic vision. This type of vision is similar to that of a person who is red-green colorblind.
What Colors Can Cats See?
Study suggests that cats can see some colors, but not all. They are most sensitive to blue and green wavelengths.
This means that cats can differentiate between blues and greens but have problems identifying reds and pinks.
To a cat, red may appear more greenish, and purple might look more like blue. Overall, their color vision is somewhat muted compared to ours.
Can Cats see at Night?
While cats may not see the full spectrum of colors that humans do, they have a significant advantage when it comes to night vision.
Their retinas are dominated by rods, which are highly sensitive to low light. Additionally, cats have a layer of cells called the tapetum lucidum behind their retinas, which reflects light and enhances their ability to see in the dark.
This makes cats excellent nocturnal hunters.
When selecting toys or accessories for your cat, opting for those in blue or green can be more engaging for cats.
It’s also important to remember that while color may not be as significant to cats as it is to humans, other senses like smell and hearing play a crucial role in how they interact with their environment.
Cats do see colors, but their perception is restricted compared to humans.
They primarily see shades of blue and green, and their ability to see in low light is far outstanding to ours.
This unique vision is perfectly suited to their needs as predators and enhances their ability to see and move at night.
Understanding these differences can help cat owners better cater to their pets’ needs.