Can German Shepherds Eat Strawberries?

Can gsd Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries can be a healthy, low-calorie, sweet treat for your dog. They’re full of antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C.

By giving your dog strawberries, you may also help them stay healthy in more ways than one. Your may also feed your dog with treats formulated with strawberries.

For example, over time, eating strawberries may help slow down the aging process, strengthen the immune system, and help with weight management. Strawberries can also help whiten their teeth.


How to feed them Strawberries

With that in mind, the safest way to feed your dog strawberries is to wash them thoroughly and then cut the fruit up into small pieces. This prevents your dog from choking and makes the treat more digestible.

If you have a small dog, you can mash up the berries or puree them and add them to the dog’s food. When cut up, frozen strawberries make a nice, cool summer treat.

Avoid feeding your dog strawberries in syrup or canned strawberries; these options have too much sugar and may even contain artificial sweeteners that are toxic to dogs.

Whenever you introduce any new food to your dog’s diet, it is best to talk to your veterinarian first.

And if you do begin to give your dog strawberries, start with small quantities, watching your dog for any changes in behavior or any digestive issues.

If you notice anything different after introducing your dog to Strawberries, you can stop giving it to the dog.